Canada-US Infrastructure Council

There are many examples of innovative approaches and policies that are currently in use throughout the life cycle of infrastructure that can be adapted and used to drive more value. To identify best practices, the U.S. Consulate in Toronto and the Infrastructure Lab launched the Canada-US Infrastructure Council (CUSIC). The Council’s mandate is to promote bilateral dialogue, cross-border collaboration and share best practices.
Getting Off the Project Roller-Coaster
This paper explores some leading practices across provincial and state governments in North America and examines the approaches from Australia and the United Kingdom to long-term planning and prioritization.

US Lessons from Canada’s P3 Model
The U.S. Consulate in Toronto and Global Public Affairs hosted this event to hear from a select group of U.S. infrastructure leaders operating in Canada. The discussion covered the current opportunities and challenges of pursing P3s for infrastructure development in Canada, as well as areas for cross-border collaboration.