The Infrastructure Lab can help build trust in the engagement process, and develop a less adversarial and more collaborative dialogue around the built environment and infrastructure.

The Global Public Affairs x Commonplace partnership brings together a unique blend of technology, expertise, and local insight to help drive more effective community engagement across Canada.
Global has worked extensively with clients to help understand the local requirements and expectations in gaining government support and approval for projects. We have worked on projects spanning the transport, energy, resource, municipal, residential, and cultural sectors and people remain the most important part of the planning and delivery phase of projects of all types. Demonstrating active and representative community engagement to government decision makers is vital for projects to proceed and a key aspect of reducing overall project risk.
Commonplace is the online engagement platform of choice for many of the leading UK government authorities, engineering and construction companies, property developers, and on major infrastructure projects such as HS2. The platform provides the opportunity to reach a broader, more diverse audience and analyse their input to develop robust evidence to reduce planning, political and financial risk. It also acts as a hub to continually communicate with the community and demonstrate that their voice has been heard in the process.
Together, we aim to transform the engagement process in Canada for the benefit of clients and local communities.
Our shared aims:
- Reduce risk and uncertainty around projects by building credibility with communities
- Improve inclusivity and diversity in the planning and design of places and infrastructure
- Build less adversarial and more representative engagement processes
- Provide enhanced transparency and visibility of project goals and incorporation of feedback
- Deliver better outcomes with communities and employees in mind
- Enable project consultation to move forward all year round and in the face of major disruptions.
Contact Us
To learn more about this partnership, please contact John Allen.