Learning from the UK’s Infrastructure Assessment

Virtual Roundtable FIG Members Only

The first National Infrastructure Assessment was published by the National Infrastructure Commission in 2018. Work on the second assessment is already underway and is due to be published in 2023. As well as looking at specific areas such as digital infrastructure, renewable energy, transportation, cities, and water, it also examined how best to choose and […]

FIG-Institution of Civil Engineers on Managing Risk in Major Transit Projects

Virtual Roundtable FIG Members Only

With a rise in the number of large complex projects worldwide, valuable experiences and lessons from these projects can be applied to better tackle project risk. Risk management is a shared responsibility for the public and private sectors. It must be embedded as a focus from early-stage planning to delivery and operations to prevent these […]

Future of Infrastructure Group – Ottawa Reception

Colliers Project Leaders 150 Isabella St, Suite 700, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

On October 19 to mark the Future of Infrastructure Group’s first delegation visit to Ottawa, the group will be hosting a reception in Ottawa. Please join the members to discuss all things infrastructure. Thank you to Colliers Project Leaders for kindly hosting this event.

Canada-UK Roundtable: Dispute Resolution and Conflict Avoidance

Virtual Roundtable

Canada invested $90 billion on infrastructure in 2021, over two thirds of that came from the public sector. With the scale, geographic spread, and mix of investments there will inevitably be issues arising that can lead to claims and disputes that can ultimately end up in court. Based on research by HKA covering almost 100 […]

Free Webinar ULI Toronto: 15-minute Communities for the Next 100 Years: Seizing the Opportunity to Create Transit-Oriented Community Legacies

The Ontario government is taking a Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) approach as it invests $62 billion in transit projects across the Greater Golden Horseshoe - leveraging public dollars to create walkable neighbourhoods with most amenities a short distance from transit stations while adding accessible and affordable housing, connections between residents and jobs and meeting climate goals […]

Canadian Infrastructure Market Cost Outlook

Arup 121 Bloor Street East, Suite 900, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The last few years have massive price rises across materials and labour in the infrastructure sector driving up project costs and putting some projects at risk. Although some prices of key materials have stabilized the demand for labour remains high, with certain skills in particular demand. Price volatility, an ambitious pipeline, increased investment in the […]

Joint Event – Buy Clean Industry Alliance and Future of Infrastructure Group


With unprecedented levels of investment in infrastructure across Canada and a federal commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050, the infrastructure sector is facing a transformative period. Governments at the federal and subnational levels are implementing Buy Clean policies to mandate lower-carbon construction. Adopting these standards within project budgets and timelines will require the […]

Launch of Future of Infrastructure Group Report – Reducing Risk in Transit Projects

Lennox Hall (old Toronto Board of Trade venue) First Canadian Place, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thursday February 29, 2024 Time: 7:30-9:30 am Location: Lennox Hall (old Toronto Board of Trade venue), First Canadian Place, Toronto, ON M5H 4A6 Joint event: Future of Infrastructure Group and Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships Canada is investing record amounts into transit projects with most major cities across the country having at least one […]

BuyClean Implementation Paper Launch Webinar

We are thrilled to invite you to the webinar launch of our new report, Building Success: Implementing Effective Buy Clean Policies, taking place on March 6th at 11:00am ET. This landmark report, based on feedback from the Buy Clean Workshop in October 2023, provides practical guidance and policy recommendations for governments looking to implement successful Buy Clean policies. Join […]

Conflict Avoidance Process Webinar

Virtual Roundtable

The financial cost of disputes in the construction industry is measured in billions of dollars. Conflict can cause immeasurable harm to business relationships and brand reputations. An increasing number of major infrastructure bodies are driving a sea-change and embedding conflict avoidance mechanisms to avoid and manage conflicts. Learn more about this fresh approach by joining […]

Vancouver Launch of Future of Infrastructure Group Report – Reducing Risk in Transit Projects

Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings St. Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

BCCR's Annual General Meeting will be held on June 6th at the Terminal City Club. It will be followed by the Future of Infrastructure Group presentation, panel discussion, and informal networking. The Reducing Risk in Transit Projects report by the Future of Infrastructure Group includes a series of recommendations based on experiences from projects across Canada using […]

TRACCS Rail Day 2024: Risk in Transit Projects Panel

International Centre 6900 Airport Rd, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

The Future of Infrastructure Group will be at the 2024 TRACCS Rail Day. The group is looking forward to joining hundreds of rail professionals to share its latest report on risk in transit projects. Presenter: John Allen, Executive Director, Future of Infrastructure Group (Global Public Affairs) Moderator: Kirsten Watson, Co-Chair, Future of Infrastructure Group (Aecom) […]