Moving from Cost to Value and Net Zero

Virtual Roundtable

Environmental performance and economic value go hand-in-hand when assessed over the lifetime of infrastructure. When projects are planned and procured it is often only the upfront costs for design and construction considered. More innovative designs and building materials may cost more initially, but can reduce lifecycle costs and substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the […]

Moving from Cost to Value and Net Zero

Virtual Roundtable

As towns and cities in the UK and Canada continue to grow, transit will play an increasingly important role in connecting people to jobs, supporting economic growth, reducing environmental impact, and as the anchor for Transit Oriented Development/Communities (TOD/TOC). Transit systems are expanding in both countries with major investments in infrastructure and vehicles, but to […]

Canada-UK Roundtable: Dispute Resolution and Conflict Avoidance

Virtual Roundtable

Canada invested $90 billion on infrastructure in 2021, over two thirds of that came from the public sector. With the scale, geographic spread, and mix of investments there will inevitably be issues arising that can lead to claims and disputes that can ultimately end up in court. Based on research by HKA covering almost 100 […]

Canadian Infrastructure Market Cost Outlook

Arup 121 Bloor Street East, Suite 900, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The last few years have massive price rises across materials and labour in the infrastructure sector driving up project costs and putting some projects at risk. Although some prices of key materials have stabilized the demand for labour remains high, with certain skills in particular demand. Price volatility, an ambitious pipeline, increased investment in the […]